WorkPuzzle Update: Improved Focus and New Publishing Schedule

Since December of last year, Dr. Dave Mashburn and I have been writing in WorkPuzzle with the intended purpose of sharing how a basic understanding of the psychology of the human mind can help in numerous ways to make individuals and organizations operate more effectively.  We’ve learned a lot in this process, and we hope you have too.  We’re thankful for all the thoughtful feedback you’ve provided along the way. Season Change

At this point, we’ve established a base of more than 100 articles.  These articles are available in the WorkPuzzle archives and are searchable online.  Most of these articles have been written to cover the general and basic principles of psychology, business, recruiting, and other workplace issues.  Many of these principles are timeless, so hopefully you’ll find it useful to refer back to some of these articles as you have need for insight.

As we move into the fall season, we’ve decided to take a slightly different posture with WorkPuzzle.  As you may know from our past references, the majority of our company’s clients are in the real estate industry.  In order to better address the needs of these clients, we’ve decided to focus WorkPuzzle efforts on the issues that concern these companies.  More specifically, we’ll be focusing our discussions on issues that real estate owners and strategically-minded real estate managers face in the day-to-day execution of their jobs.

For those of you who are more “general purpose readers” of WorkPuzzle, many of the principles that we’ll discuss in upcoming articles can still be applied to other industries and work scenarios.  Our intention is not to leave you behind.  There will still be much written that can be applied to your unique circumstances if you’re outside the real estate industry–it will just require a bit more creativity to apply.  As we grow in the future, we may also begin to address other specific industries in blogs parallel to WorkPuzzle.  We’ll keep you posted on what develops in these other areas…

Finally, WorkPuzzle has been published daily during the work week for the past nine months.  We have very strong and vibrant readership early in the week, but by Thursday and Friday our readership wanes.  We’ve hypothesized that perhaps people are more willing to assimilate new and creative information earlier in the week.  Or, maybe by the end of the week, you’re just tired of hearing from us!

In response to this trend, we’re going to start publishing WorkPuzzle twice per week, on Mondays and Wednesdays.  If you’re an email subscriber, you’ll receive your copy of WorkPuzzle on Tuesdays and Thursdays (email subscribers are delayed a day).  This change in publishing schedule will begin this week. 

As always, we appreciate your comments and feedback concerning WorkPuzzle.  It is our privilege to serve our readers, and we look forward to exploring new topics and applications in the months ahead.