Why Do People Hate to Pick up the Phone to Recruit?


Hopefully, you’ve had an opportunity to read Dave Mashburn’s recent series on the importance of fundamentals (1,2,3,4).  We’ve received a lot of great feedback from the insight that Dave has shared – It seems he has hit a nerve, identifying some issues with which we all struggle.

This got me thinking… What are some of the specific fundamentals that seem to hinder owners and managers who are responsible for recruiting?  After working with hundreds of different managers and leadership teams over the last few years, there is one fundamental that stands out above all the others:  sourcing candidates by phone.Make the call...

We seem to universally dread this activity in the real estate industry, and in every industry in the marketplace, for that matter.  Maybe you didn’t know this, but there are professional conferences dedicated to sourcing candidates. They even hold breakout sessions regarding why it is so difficult to pick up the phone and call people!

If everyone hates it so much, why do people keep doing it?  You know the answer to this already—because it works!  And, if you’re specifically trying to hire people away from your competitors, there is nothing that produces a better return on your time and money.  I’ve heard many people try to rationalize this fact away, but it’s true:  there is no substitute for picking up the phone and calling people if you strive to be a successful recruiter.

So, how do you overcome the deep internal resistance you feel toward this activity, and instead grow this fundamental into one of your personal strengths?  There is no quick answer to this question.  But, I’d like to introduce you to someone who can help you find the answer over time.  Her name is Maureen Sharib.

Maureen owns a recruiting company, moderates the MagicMethod business networking site, and writes extensively on various recruiting sites such as the Electronic Recruiting Exchange.  She is a very practical person who writes in a conversational manner.  The only downside to her style is that her articles are very long.  However, I’ve learned to stick with her stories because she ends up sharing some of her best tactics, if you’re willing to hang in there and listen.

In my next discussion, I’ll summarize a few things that I’ve learned from Maureen over the last couple of years.  Until then, you may want to check out an article that weaves some of Mark Twain’s writing on “Pocket Hunting” (a interesting method of prospecting for gold) into the principles needed to be a successful phone recruiter.  Enjoy!     

Editor's Note: This article was written by Ben Hess. Ben is the Founding Partner and Managing Director of Tidemark, Inc. and a regular contributor to WorkPuzzle. Comments or questions are welcome. If you're an email subscriber, reply to this WorkPuzzle email. If you read the blog directly from the web, you can click the "comments" link below.