Julia and Julia and You

My wife is allowed to drag me to one chick flick every two or three months.  With the exception of a few Academy Award winning films, I usually forget these movies fairly quickly.  On last night’s occasion, my wife coaxed me into seeing Julia and Julia, the story of both Julia Child and Julie Powell.  To my own surprise, I quickly became very engaged. Julia and Julia

Why would I write about this?  Because it is an example of just about everything we’ve ever discussed in WorkPuzzle.  Both of these women demonstrate ignition (motivation), deep practice, tenacity, grit, confidence, focus and attention, and several characteristics of survival.

At its core, it reminds me of the importance of finding excitement in your work…even the most mundane work.  (Certainly cooking can go either way…)  For both Julias, it took time in absolute obscurity, before receiving any accolades or financial reward for their efforts.

Additionally, it reminds me of the importance of finding ways to help others discover this level of commitment and challenge, and then coaching them to be patient in waiting for the rewards that eventually ensue.  It reminds me that a person’s work often reveals a great deal about the person.

Julia and Julia were giving their best.  Are you?  Are your managers, agents, and new recruits?  It’s your job to help bring this out…