If you’ve read the first two segments on this topic, you understand that resilient survivors think and act differently than others. They have a rather flexible way of thinking that helps free them from getting stuck in anger, despair, or worst of all, denial.
There are abundant reasons to explain why this works, but most Psychologists won’t hazard to guess for fear of stepping outside the realm of science, and into that of philosophy.
It’s my belief that most resilient people have values that are different than the general public. Isn’t it much easier to be flexible and creative when you don’t place all of your hopes and dreams in your job, your finances, or your home?
It’s not that resilient people don’t care about these things, or don’t feel tremendous loss at them being left behind. The difference is that they don’t stake their life’s joy upon them.
I’ll write more regarding this topic upon my return from a week's vacation. Subscribe to Workpuzzle so you won’t miss more advice to job seekers.
I’ll write more when I return—
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