Coaching to Remember Greatness

“It’s a strange, strange time we’re living in right now, where we’ve lowered our standards, in general, and we’ve gotten used to living with mediocrity.  And it bothers me.  Maybe you gotta be as old as I am to remember it, but growing up in the ’60s, standards were set very, very high.  If I do nothing else, I want to remind people what greatness sounds like.”

The words above were uttered by Steve Van Zandt, long time guitarist for Bruce Springsteen’s “E  Street Band” and founder and host of “Little Steven’s Underground Garage Show.” 

Susan Boyle Although Steve is comparing the music of today with the music of the 60’s and 70’s, we can all relate to times when mediocrity is present among us. 

Think back to the times in your life when you’ve achieved tremendous success….those moments when you’ve realized, “I have the capacity and the will to do something great.”  This isn’t a conceited or narcissistic statement.  It’s a window into a chance to shine and contribute in a way that’s at your highest potential.

If you’ve had any access to the media over the last few weeks, you’ve certainly witnessed Susan Boyle’s phenomenal performance on “Britain’s got Talant.”

Why is it that the world loves this story?  Why have millions of people searched YouTube to see it?  A client of mine put it this way:

“Because we all like being reminded that we have that greatness within.”

If you mentor, manage or coach people in any way, it’s your first priority to find a way to help them realize their potential.  Remind them that they are capable of greatness.  Many will resist the idea, and some will never uncover their hidden capacity for greatness.  But, it’s there….in all of us, just waiting to be tapped.

Let this message serve as a reminder to never become complacent at drawing greatness out in others, and out of yourself.  For those of you who are adept at identifying greatness… I’ll see you at the next Bruce concert!