Confessions and Accountability

Now some thoughts and ideas for Owners, CEO's and Managers regarding my recent revelations about confessions.  You may want to review our recent blogs on this topic (Part 1, Part 2).

"Forgive me, Father, for I have mismanaged." It may do you some good to confess your shortcomings as well.  What should you confess?  Perhaps your lack of setting up systems that hold people accountable?  As we've learned, accountability leads to success.  Remember our blogs referencing "The Office?"  (Part 1, Part 2).

Or, you might confess your neglect of coming up with a goal that is a bit impossible.  Remember, people don't just want a job:

"They want a goal that’s just a little bit impossible (vision).  They want a leader who can paint the picture of how to get there (direction).  They want a leader who will be honest enough to tell them they are off track (feedback).  And they want a leader who, when the goal is achieved, remembers to say, ‘Unbelievable – What you just did was impossible.'… '" (Essence of Success blog)

Consider bringing your team together and confessing that you have let things slip, even if it is just all too slightly.  Admit that you've become bogged down with the things that really don't matter.  Then paint a big picture, one that is exciting, one that inspires people and holds them accountable.  I bet they will be moved by your honesty and inspired to achieve more as a result.