Confessions From Your Blogging Corporate Shrink

I know, I know….I’ve been writing so much about Resilience, Survival, Confidence, etc., that you must all believe that I’m immune from the traps of the doldrums.  Not a chance!Proactive vs. reactive

Over the past few weeks I have been coming up with excuse after excuse regarding why I haven’t fulfilled my responsibilities here at Tidemark.  It's not that I haven’t done what’s required. I have. But, I haven’t done what’s not expected. I haven’t done the things that will help take us to another level. 

Why?  Because I’ve been reactive and not proactive.  Proactive people take responsible actions that provide others hope.  Reactive people are busy putting out so many fires that they have a multitude of excuses for why they aren’t meeting expectations. 

It's really easy and tempting to be reactive in our current economic environment.  But according to all that I've been writing….This is the time when true character is tested and refined.

Today I am going to be proactive. Tomorrow I’ll let you know what happens. 

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