Goals Part 4: Dealing with Frustration

Over the past few weeks, I’ve shared specific strategies for meeting goals. But what should we do when we’re frustrated and feel like we’ve failed? An Olympic gymnastics coach may have a valuable answer to this question. Listen to today’s WorkPuzzle to find out why frustration is a necessary step towards success.

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Goals Part 3: The Future Letter

Over the last couple weeks, I’ve talked about the steps that procrastinating and indecisive candidates need to take to reach their goals. How can you help your candidates tap into this confidence that is vital for a pursuit through these steps? Today, I want to share a personal exercise recommended to me in taking the steps to achieving my goals. Listen to today’s WorkPuzzle to learn a practical strategy you can use to help your candidates get closer to taking the risk to improve their lives.

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Canvas Stories: The Importance of Having Your Own Story to Share

It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve contributed to WorkPuzzle.

ThirdPool Recruiting (my day job) spent the summer months retooling some of our software and business systems. This is good work, but it always takes more focus and attention than I anticipate.

Today, I’d like to finish up the series on Canvas Stories. If you’re new to this discussion (or just can’t remember the posts from a few weeks back), you may want to review some of the previous articles (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) as a refresher.

canvas summary

A Canvas Story is intended to inspire. It will inspire you to stay motivated as you prospect and interview candidates. It will inspire those on your team to find meaning and stay focused on their day-to-day tasks. Most importantly, it will inspire your candidates to take some of the most difficult steps in their careers.

Here’s the catch: None of these benefits will be yours unless you create your own canvas story.

Today, I’ll help you get started on this important task.

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Goals Part 2: How Do People Decide to Take Action?

Last week, I talked about how positive expectations are vital to reaching our goals. Today, I describe the important step of comparing the current undesirable reality to our desired outcome. How can this help you in your recruiting practices? Listen to today’s WorkPuzzle to learn a simple technique to get procrastinating candidates to make a decision and take action about their future.

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How People Reach Their Goals – Part 1

How do people reach their goals? A great deal of scientific research has gone into answering this question. Over the next few weeks, I will focus on proven strategies that help people meet the goals that they set for themselves. Today, I focus on the power of expectation. Listen to today’s WorkPuzzle to find out why it may take more than a dream board to meet your goals.

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What Can Rats Teach Us About Recruiting?

In today’s podcast, I talk about the power of expectations. Decades of scientific research has revealed that our belief about a person can actually impact that person’s behavior. Listen to today’s WorkPuzzle to find out how you can use these findings to your advantage.


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