Podcast: The Five Pillars of Happiness: Engagement

In today’s WorkPuzzle, I will further explore the five pillars of happiness. In my last two editions, I described the first pillar which is positive emotion.

Today, I’ll describe the second pillar of happiness: engagement. Researches have found that engagement is absolutely vital for feeling happy. And with constant distractions surrounding us all day long, it’s easier than ever for us to disengage and get distracted.

Listen to today’s podcast to find out how and why engagement leads to happiness and a healthier workplace.

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Inside the Mind of a Candidate: The Two Questions Every Candidate Asks

The idea for this WorkPuzzle was forwarded to me by Andy Nazaroff, the President and CEO of Guarantee Real Estate in Fresno, California.

Andy has been a friend and client for many years, and he’s one of the best hiring managers we’ve ever observed. He was a natural at building trust quickly with the candidates he interviewed, and perhaps it was the secret to his recruiting success.

If you asked Harvard School Professor Amy Cuddy, she would probably agree.

Why? Because Cuddy’s research reveals people want the answers to two basic questions when they meet someone for the first time.

If the answer to both of these questions is “yes,” the chances of making a hire greatly increase.

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Podcast: Positive Emotion and Upward Spirals in Organizations–Part 2

What good comes from feelings of joy, gratitude, optimism, and contentment? Can these states actually enhance your life and your organization?

In my last edition of the Five Pillars of Happiness, I laid the groundwork for why, if you want to leverage what works to help people flourish, you better pay attention to the research on positive emotions.

This week, I’ll address some of your questions about how to apply this within your organization today.

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Recruit Like an NFL Scout

Even if you’re not a football fan, you probably noticed the NFL draft was going on last week.

The NFL marketers are masters at drawing attention to their sport. They have learned to turn seemingly uninteresting parts of the football business into revenue producing activities. The draft is one part of the year-round drama.

For the average fan, the draft may seem uninteresting. However, it may be the most helpful and instructive part of the NFL season for a real estate hiring manager.

Maybe none of you will be throwing passes anytime soon, but you will be interviewing candidates and making hiring decisions on a regular basis.

What can the NFL draft teach you about hiring new agents? Maybe more than you think.

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How Are People Learning in Today’s Workforce?

Hiring managers love to talk about training during interviews.

“We have a great training program….”

“We can teach you how to do this business better than anyone else in our marketplace….”

“If you sign-up today, we can get you into the class that starts next week…”

According to new research, touting your training program during the hiring process may be hindering your chances of making a great hire.

Why? It’s not the way people learn in today’s workforce.

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