I hope each of you enjoyed a great Thanksgiving holiday weekend, and you’re ready to push towards a strong finish to the year.
I asked a friend how his Thanksgiving celebration went and his answer surprised me.
“It was smaller and quieter than normal because one member of our extended family expressed some views on Facebook earlier in the week, and the comments offended several other family members. Both of the parties involved (and their immediate family members) decided not to attend the celebration because of the offensive comments.”
This may just sound like some family politics going too far, but it illustrates a broader point about the psychology of attraction.
People with similar values are attracted to each other. By contrast, individuals with dissimilar values repel each other, sometimes quite strongly.
While you won’t be offering your candidates a turkey leg, many hiring managers frequently do things to repel candidates during the interview and follow-up process.
Today, we’ll learn how to turn the tables and become an attractive force.