Turning Recruiting Into a Dependable Business Process

In our last WorkPuzzle, we learned that business processes with low variability are inherently more valuable.

If your company’s recruiting process produces a consistent and reliable flow of high-quality hires it’s, by nature, more valuable. This is tangible value and translates directly to real revenue and profits.


If you’re contributing to the reliable nature of your company’s recruiting process, you’re creating value. In turn, you’re also making yourself valuable to your company.

This all sounds great, but how do you get there?  To answer this question, we’ll take a page from history and retell a story of great achievement.

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Recruiting: Increasing Value by Reducing Variability

What is the most variable process in most real estate companies?

By variable, I mean the process you can least depend on to produce consistent month-to month results. Also when results change (an increase or a decrease), you usually have no idea what’s causing the variability.

You guessed it—it’s recruiting.

TheBigIdea Oct. 6

I have yet to meet any real estate leaders who describe their recruiting process as constant and dependable.

Why does this matter? Because basic financial theory reminds us that processes that produce reliable results are the most valuable.

If you can turn your recruiting process into a predictable system producing repeatable and reliable results, you create future cash flows–the thing every business needs to insure their on-going survival.

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Learning Together at the Edge Conference

For all of you who were able to attend the Edge Conference last week, thank you for making the trip to Seattle and sharing part of your week with the ThirdPool team.

For those who were not able to make it, I’ll share a few highlights in today’s WorkPuzzle and give you a small taste of what you missed.


The first thing I noticed was the near-instant connection and camaraderie shared among the attendees.  It was striking to see a group of near strangers build relationships so quickly.

“Finally, someone else gets what I do!”

This seemed to be the common sentiment starting most conversations, and the connection grew from there. Networking is a powerful thing when it’s centered on a common purpose.

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Peak Performance: Making the Most of a Conference

As you might suspect, our team has been focusing a lot on conference prep issues over the last couple of weeks.

The ThirdPool Edge Conference is now less than a week away. A wonderful group of individuals have reserved their spots and will be heading to Seattle soon. We’re honored and excited to share what we’ve learned about the psychology of recruiting with these attendees.

In preparation, we’re putting our focus on delivering an experience that will provide the highest level of value possible. It’s our responsibility to make the conference the best it can possibly be.EdgeConference

Here’s a question you may not have considered: What’s your responsibility as a conference attendee?

Many of our WorkPuzzle readers were not able to attend the Edge Conference this year, but will probably be attending other professional conferences in the months ahead.

Have you considered how to get the most out of the conferences you attend?

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Tidemark is Now…ThirdPool Recruiting

As many of you know, the WorkPuzzle blog has been produced and edited by Tidemark since its inception in 2008. For Dave, myself, and most of the other contributors, Tidemark is our “day job.”

Third Pool RecruitingTidemark is a recruiting process outsourcing company that helps real estate companies recruit more effectively. It was founded in 2003. Many of the readers of WorkPuzzle are employed by the companies who use Tidemark software and services.

We have some exciting news we’d like to share today: Tidemark is now ThirdPool Recruiting.

The idea for updating our brand was conceived earlier this year, and we’ve been working hard for the past six months to make it a reality. We believe the new brand better reflects our identity as a company and will help us focus our energy on the activities that bring the highest value to our clients. Continue reading

Recruiting: Join Us in Seattle at the Edge Conference

Hopefully you took some time to contemplate the questions Dave and I asked last week concerning your beliefs about the role work plays in your life and the lives of those around you.

These are important questions. If you don’t know the answers, you’ll be (by default) operating in a “values vacuum.”  Organizations operating in such a state are filled with people who are languishing.  They repel high performers both from a recruiting and retention perspective.


These questions are not only important, but they’re also complex. As one of our WorkPuzzle readers recently noted, “You’re great at asking questions, but not so great at providing the answers.”

That made me laugh…because it’s so true!  Change connected to human behavior (especially our own) is always a challenge. The answers are difficult, and they don’t come quickly.

Should you give up?  No!  Hard fought victories are the most rewarding.  Instead of giving up, get focused. Spend a day with us in Seattle for an intensive look at the psychology of recruiting for the real estate industry.

Come to the edge of the Third Pool and we’ll find the answers together.

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