Peak Performance: Take 8 Minutes to Launch 2015 With New Insight

What did you learn last year? What do you plan to learn this year?

Will you help others and yourself reach new heights of knowledge, curiosity and success, or will you simply plod through another year maintaining the status quo?


I’ve done both in the past.  As you might suspect, the former is far more rewarding.  It’s also more fun. 

For example, reading non-fiction outdoor adventure books have motivated me to raise my goals. I’ve enjoyed books such as  “The Worst Journey in the World,” “The Raft,” “No Shortcuts to the Top,” “Adrift,” “The Long Walk,” “We Die Alone”… and many others.

I know these titles may sound a little depressing, but a story without internal tension towards a worthy goal is never too inspiring.

What heightens your motivation to be a better coach and mentor this year?

Here is something to get you thinking—an 8-minute review of the most impactful TED talks of 2014:

Year-In-Ideas on TED

Some of my favorite quotes from this review are:

“Mastering is about sacrificing for your craft rather than crafting for your career.”

“Hackers may just be the immunization system for information age.”

“It’s not about the talking that you do, it’s because of the listening.  Listen and learn.”

Grab a pen and paper and invest 8 minutes in this video.  Since it moves quickly, jot down the names of the TED presenters/talks you’d like to review at a later time.

Circle back and make an investment in your own learning.  If you watch creative people think, it will inspire you to do the same.

Here’s to starting 2015 with a sense of curiosity and a focus on embracing new ideas.


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