If you haven’t already, you may need to read yesterday's entry to catch up on this topic.
We all (myself included) need to remember that change, when approached with the right attitude can lead to tremendous personal growth. (Remember the blogs on Resilience? 1, 2, and 3)
Isn’t it interesting that most of us have a tendency to avoid the change, challenge and growth that we once sought out. Instead, we have trained our brains to look forward to some arbitrary and hollow goal, like retirement, when in fact what we really miss most are the days when we were carefree. Ironically, that carefree attitude came when we were young and taking risks.
So, it’s not just feeling carefree that we’re really after -- Its carefree with a challenge. That’s the secret combination we’re really after-- and where great learning takes place.
Personally, I know many people who have been hit hard by what’s going on in the world right now. Some of them, despite great anxiety and sadness, are taking steps daily to reevaluate their lives, take stock of their values, and be grateful for what they have.
If you help people do this, eventually new and exciting challenges will arise. Even this change, as uneasy as it makes us feel, can be good.
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