As Dave mentioned in his last post, we've been covering some technically heavy topics in the past couple of months. I thought I'd follow his lead and share something that is a little less serious, unrelated to our normal charter, and (I believe) very interesting.
The topic: Infographics.
If you’re not familiar with this phenomenon, an infographic is a computer generated picture that boils down a lot of information into a single page. Because the presentation is graphical, the mind is able to soak in much more information from a small space.
There are several infographic sites on the internet, but one of my favorites is On this site alone there are hundreds of infographics on every topic imaginable—and some of them are truly amazing.
For fun, I picked one infographic that I thought many of you may have an interest in digesting (pun intended) as we head into the winter months.
As we all try to stay healthy this time of year, there seems to be a myriad of nutritional supplements available and even more information on how each one could possibly cure a common aliment .
How could a person possibly boil all the information about such a complex topic onto a single page? Here you go:
This infographic has become so popular
that the author doubled down on his creation and built an interactive version. The interactive version connects the supplement bubble to the research studies that guided its
representation on the infographic.
You could spend years reading through all of these studies, and yet this person has graphically boiled the information down to one page. If you walked into your local GNC with this document in your hand, you’d probably spend less money and make better decisions.
Are there applications for this technology in the real estate industry? Perhaps. If you think about it, a real estate transaction is very complex and the process is typically not understood by the consumer. Maybe this will get your creative juices flowing on how you can serve your customers more effectively.
Or, maybe you’ll just know what supplements to choose to keep from getting sick this winter...
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Editor's Note: This article was written by Ben Hess. Ben is the Founding Partner and Managing Director of Tidemark, Inc. and a regular contributor to WorkPuzzle.