Up to this point, we’ve talked about “Engagement” from a work perspective. In fact, I’ve even defined “Engagement” as the state when we are immersed in work for its own sake. Personally, each of us wants to experience engagement in our own work, and we want to see those around us experience engagement, as well.
If you’re experiencing a lack of engagement in your work, you may want to look at some issues outside of work as contributing factors to your condition.
You know intuitively that what goes on in other parts of your life will have an effect on your work. But, what types of activities are proven to renew your energy level? Here are some ideas:
Find a new challenge in your off time.
Pursuing a goal, challenge or new hobby can breathe vital new life into every facet of your existence. When I examine my own history, every time I set out to accomplish something challenging and new, every component in my life improved. I’ve seen it in countless others.
Find ways to serve others daily.
Research has proven that people who serve others are much happier than those who look out for themselves. Make it a point to daily do something for someone without any guarantee of return. Have positive conversations with strangers. Go out of your way to serve those who work for you.
Learn about those around you.
Schedule appointments with people for no other reason than to learn more about them, how their life is going and how you can help them achieve their goals.
Desire or engagement in one’s work and life doesn’t guarantee success, as there are many things that will always be outside of our control. But your personal desire will be a beacon to those around you. If you have it, people will be drawn to follow you and your vision.