Last May I wrote a two-part series on “Recruiting Expertise.” If you missed that series or need a refresher feel free to revisit that discussion. Today, I’d like to focus not only on the concept of "Quality in Recruiting," but also show you a real example of how one manager is actually executing a quality driven recruiting strategy.
We recently welcomed CBSHOME, a Berkshire Hathaway Affiliate, on board as a client. After rolling out our flagship product HiringCenter (new agent recruiting program), they subsequently rolled out the TalentPipeline (experienced agent software designed specifically for managers as they execute their own recruiting strategy). It is from the TalentPipeline that I came across a perfect example of, what I consider to be, a quality driven recruiting strategy.
As anyone knows, who has been trained by me, I am a bit like Big Brother (Sister) in that I do check in to make sure things are firing on all cylinders or address any red flags, or in this case applaud excellent performance. Deda Myrhe, an Assistant Manager with CBSHOME is the recipient of my kudos. With Deda’s and the company’s permission I would like to share four observations from Deda’s work.
Below is a snapshot of this candidate’s history from Deda’s TalentPipeline.
My Observations:
- The Size of her Pipeline. She has a manageable pipeline of 21 candidates. This will likely ebb and flow in size as she adds people and/or hires/removes people from her pipeline. What Deda did not do was dump a large database in the software, but has rather kept it reasonable such that she can build quality relationships with regular contact over time.
- The Frequency of Contact. Over a six week period of time Deda reached out to engage her candidate once every one or two weeks.
- The Varied Methods of Contact. Over those six weeks Deda spoke with her candidate over the phone, left voicemails, emailed and had face-to-face time.
- High Content/Value of Interaction. I should emphasize that this candidate is not yet licensed. With that said, after the interview Deda invited her to pick out a desk, and invited her back 3 times to attend meetings and to come into the office to start feeling comfortable with the office culture. Deda has also extended her knowledge to help her candidate through the schooling process.
So, Deda Myrhe, I applaud your efforts to stay in front of your candidates with the kind of authenticity that really does add value to this person’s dream of becoming a real estate agent.
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Editor's Note: Lee Gray is the Senior Account Manager at Tidemark Inc. Lee is a guest contributor to WorkPuzzle. Comments or questions are welcome. .